Seminar on “National Educational Policy Framework”
A seminar on “The Imperative for Educational Reforms and National Educational Reforms and the National Educational Policy Framework” organized by the Education and Human resources Development Committee of the OPA, was held at the OPA auditorium on the 11th of July. The distinguished guest speakers for this event were Dr. Harsha Aturupane, Lead Economist of the World Bank and Dr. Sujata Gamage, Senior Research Fellow at LIRNEasia. Ms. Jayani Thilakarathna, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Education also served as panelist.
During the seminar, it was noted that while Sri Lanka offered good access to education at all levels, public investment in education was low and education in Sri Lanka was underperforming in terms of GDP. The new National Education Policy Framework was described and its implications discussed. Among the far-reaching proposals of the NEPF were requiring students to have proficiency in the two national languages, having English medium instruction in all schools, bringing all levels of education to international standards and empowering teachers by instituting a National Council of Teachers. The evening concluded with a Q & A session moderated by Past President Mr. U. H. Palihakkara.